keskiviikko, 2. tammikuu 2013

Hello, Again and a Little Test

   Happy New Calendar Year!

   I'd not been round for rather some time, I know...  Life has a way of getting rather busy and then there was a bit of trouble with the site here.  This is actually a little test to see if those troubles have cleared satisfactorily and I may now resume some activity here in Blogland.
  Now to see if this thing will post properly....

tiistai, 31. heinäkuu 2012

Haiku and Music

No mark will I leave
but for that upon your soul
Hear you now my song

maanantai, 30. heinäkuu 2012

A Better Kind of Monday

  Blast it all, I hate losing a weekend to a headache.  I awoke with the sheet and me hair all knotted up under me neck and shoulders Saturday evening.  The pain wasn't only from the knotted mass, it was also from three thoracic vertebrae have been pushed to unnatural positions.  I had a bloody awful headache, the kind with a throbbing stripe comes from the somewhere below the base of he skull, goes up and over the head and threatens to explode the eyes but never quite does.  Most people get this with the throbbing stripe on just one side, I had it on both.
   I rang round and queried for any of several chiropractors I know.  Unfortunately, all were out on holiday this weekend and there was none in town to see me for the five minutes it takes to sort summat like that.  I spent the rest of the weekend putting ice packs on anything throbbed or hurt, taking a mild pain medication to dull the edge of it and trying to avoid anything would aggravate it in the interim.  Happily, one of the chiropractic lot was returning from holiday ( the rest had just gone out on holiday)  and I was given leave to come in first thing this morming to have it sorted.
   Dr. D, well aware of certain of my pastimes, asked if I'd got this at an anachronistic event or playing footie.  Wits well dulled by by pain and drugs, I said no, I'd got it in bed.  The next question was did I happen to know if there was another one home like that one?  I raised an amused eyebrow,  Dr. D grinned irreverently, the real cause was elucidated.  Dr. D told me get a haircut, I declined ( haircut is a well ploughed field with us .)  By that time I'd lowered meself onto the table and so the magic hands of the good doctor were able to go to work.  Thirty seconds later I thank Dr. profusely, made the requisite cash obeisance and went away to let Dr. get on with official day.
   All I have left now is a tender spot to remind me where the mess was and the lingering miasma of the pain pill to wear off.  I must say, even if I can't drive safely yet for the lingering effects of the drug, it is very nice to be able to turn me head again.

   Me very best little mate is here for time tody.  His name is Ahn, he's happy, round Chinese boy, walking well now, still between baby noise and speech.  His great grandmum, Mrs. Q, has the place directly behind the abode here and already had guests when Ahn's mum turned up with Ahn unexpectedly.  Mrs. Q rang me and I said I'd be happy as ever to watch him.  Ahn's mum brought him round while I fetched out the big toy box for the lawn and dumped it in hug pile on a blanket.  Ahn took one look and dashed straight over to the pile, flung himself into it with a stream of happy noises.  His mum laughed and told me Ahn's dad had car trouble so she was off to rescue him.  I told her I didn't mind if she took all day, I've not seen Ahn much these past two months due to obligations keeping me well afield.  She looked sparkly bright and asked would I like to keep him until about 22:00?  Yes, and done!
   It's been a splendid day thus far.  We played with the toys while the inflatable pool warmed in the sun, had luncheon, went back out and played in the pool for a time, dried off, came back in.  Ahn curled up on the sofa and went to sleep.  I slid the rail between the cushions so he didn't fall out and tidied up a bit.  He's still asleep at the moment.  He'll wake up in a while and we'll have tea, go over to a little carnival and have some more fun on the rides.  He likes the great wheel, stares out as we go up, exclaims in his odd admixture of Cantonese, Mandarin and English at the view, laughs his little head off as we descend again.  I think I'll get take away for dinner and take him to a place on the reservoir I know where there are a few wild ducks to feed and where one may occasionally see deer at the twilight ends of a day.
   After we return from dinner, he'll want the very highlight of his day, bath with coloured bubbles.  Ahn loves water, thinks bath is the most terrific thing a little bloke can do.  He has to be watched carefully around punch bowls, ponds, streams, any body or container of liquid large enough for him to get himself into.  He can swim after a fashion, as babies do, but tires easily and has no sense of it being too deep, of currents or that the punch bowl isn't a bath.
   He'll sleep again about an hour after his bath.  Then I shall have to surrender him to his mum when she arrives.  ( sniffles, dabs eyes with clean grease rag. )

   And what have you dear gentlebeings been about today?

perjantai, 27. heinäkuu 2012

Nightbane's New Alcove

    I am happy to see this place has returned and seems to be in good order.  I am aware members' pictures have not yet been resolved here and this is causing some consternation.  This is a temporary inconvenience, or so it seems to me.  It is most important the site be properly functional before the content is returned to it, yes?  While I had not yet fathomed how to upload pictures here, I would not be terribly concerned if I had and now awaited mine to be returned with the rest. The site has had a major piece of work done, it has resolved and seems to be working properly, I am content to give it a few days to be certain all is well before the pictures are restored to use.
   Too, media tends to be rather voluminous, it takes some time to upload the stuff again.  I am happy this place will do it for us instead of having  ( potentially )  to spend quite some time going back through me own files searching for the stuff an restoring it meself.  I cannot speak for others but for meself, it is good the pictures and other media are safe and will turn up in a few more days when this place is assured all is well and working.  This is not the case with other blog sites out there so hurrah for Vuodatus!

   Other blog sites out there... I had one previously, since 2009.  At that time, it worked well and had no troubles.  Then one day that place decided it wanted to compete with farcebook and the place of featherheads.  The members said they did not care for this, many had come to get away from both of those places.  It fell on deaf ears.  A beta site was put up and it became very evident there were many problems on the new version, not the least of them being half the members could not log in.  I could but had no cursor on the beta site.
   The troubles were reported, discussed amongst the members, addressed to the staff of that other place but all the staff kept saying is all would be magically fixed when the new version went live.  Such crap.  What is not fixed in beta will still be unfixed in the permanent version and so this was proved.  I still had no cursor and could not write for three months after the permanent version went up.  Many members were never able to log in again and so went away.  Those who could had many troubles, all had carried over from the beta site.  Then, as if that weren't entirely enough, the permanent site began to develop its own troubles atop it.
   Eventually I got me cursor back.  In time, the second set of troubles were fixed but would go wrong again on a predictable interval, one could set a watch to it.  Most of the original troubles did not get fixed. The staff simply stopped talking.  A few little things were fixed but the serious troubles remained.
   Eventually we learnt how to make colour post bodies using html as the place had promised we would have them in the custom theme selections but never kept that promise.  We learnt how to get font faces and sizes using html when the promise to add more fonts beyond the eight boring lot wasn't made good.  We learnt how to adjust images in Paint so they would be of a proportion the image uploader wouldn't cut up and destroy.  When the image editor ceased to function properly, I fathomed how to upload images in another way.  Two years we struggled with this but it wasn't so bad as the community of bloggers were excellent and we could make proper posts after a roundabout fashion.
   Then a few months ago the place decided, instead of fixing the troubles, to make a new version.  A beta site was put up.  It was terrible, worse than the version we had been working with.  Once again I had no cursor, very many could not log in, others could but nothing worked, they could not write, comment, upload so much as an avatar image.
   Once again staff claimed all would magically work properly when the permanent version went up.  Once again, compleat crap.  Once again the thing does not work.  In addition, they lost some of or posts, put many of them in the wrong place, removed the ability to make our profiles private, had our private messages open for any to view for a time, all the private posts were open to view for weeks, and we soon discovered they had altered or deleted all posts with colour post bodies made with html AND the posts instructing how to achieve this.  We also discovered  ( though staff had not said one word on it )  we could no longer post any music isn't on youtube and images not of X by Y dimensions are either stretched to a smear or reduced to a blur.
   But what did staff do?  They decided to work on emoticons and make badges to tattle the members' business to the world by telling the member has been online for X time, writes private messages a great deal, makes many comments. Fine if one can make posts, comments, write  ( not so - )  private messages but many still cannot log in, others must get new password each and every time they do and those who can log in cannot make posts or comment, about half of them.  Also not at all good as many do not want the world to know they read and write messages quietly and prefer to be left in privacy to do so.
   And what does staff there do now instead of fixing these and many many others I do not list here?  After several weeks of silence, they now tell us these past few days to be quiet, stop asking questions, go away, they are busy.  None of the fixes they had kept assuring us would be done have materialised and I still cannot get a cursor in the post editor to write.  I can make a title and tags but the text entry field will not show the cursor, no text can be entered by typing, copy/paste or drag/drop.  Further, all the tool buttons as for html  ( source )  or to make things bold or change orientation from left to center or right do not work.  All the tool buttons are dead.  Mind, this is just to make text posts and put in a picture or a video, there is a great deal more to that site and it is just as non - functional as the post editor.  The most glaring are the non - functional bug reports and contact link.
   What good is this to those who write, I ask you?
   As you may well imagine, the members are leaving in droves.  All that seems to be replacing them is the dregs of the social sewers, the ones who think a post consists of two lines describing what they just did in the loo or the ones who type in things like:
   " bored this sux going 4 food cul8ter "
   I will not call that last example writing, it isn't.
   And so I have arrived.  I write.  I write real words with real paragraph structure.  Me grammar is a bit loose, admittedly, but I do have a better sort of it most days.  I am very prone to typos and fail to proofread closely enough but I actually, really write.  It is wonderful to find a place where I can do so again.
   Of course, I am having to fathom sufficient of the Finnish language in order to make me way about the site but I am blessed with the assistance of one here in this matter.  I should dearly love to have a little flag or link at the top of the page somewhere would change the page from Finnish to English and back again.  I know if there were such a thing installed the community I'd had to leave would, many of them, come here.  They have other languages, most of them, but the single common tongue amongs us is English.
   In the meantime, as I master the site, I will be writing tutorials for those like me who have not Finnish so they may consider making this place their new blog home.

   Had I said yet it is sooooooooooo good to have this place back after the recent hiatus....?  Yes, I know I did but I think it bears repetition. ;)

   There is a side effect to not having a place to write for several months and that is one gets a bit out of practice.  Further, in me own case, I'd adjusted the habit of writing on the blog back to the older habit of writing letters though most are by electronic means now, not those of real pen and paper.  There is a different mental process to write the letter as opposed to write a blog post, summat to which a small number of you who've read me both ways may attest.  This really isn't a terrible thing when it comes to ordinary posts, I am one who tends to natter and meander on from subject to subject in the course of an ordinary post.  The greatest difficulty a present with this type of writing is that I've had little input and conversation from others where the old place has been very quiet now for so long.  My ordinary posts are often born of discussion and exchange and reading the others just as they are born of the course of me day and the exchanges with those who passed through it.
   Not so when the post is prose or poetry.  Prose isn't too terribly difficult, I'm one of those sits at the keyboard, looks into the theatre of me mind and records what takes place therein.  While I am currently out of the habit of approaching this type of writing at any regular interval, it isn't difficult to reinstate that habit now I'd got a regular place will allow me write upon it.  Poetry is a bit different, it's summat I work at  ( except haiku, those ever come easily in the main )  by both reading that of others and within the commentary through discussions therein.
   Then there are the discussions themselves.  While I can still make comments at the other place  ( most of the time, it doesn't always work even now )  there are so very few remaining there is little written and so very little upon which to comment.  I miss those discussions.  I liked them in the commentary, we could swing wide of the topic of the post in ways most forums will not permit.  A member having difficulty with summat could look where the the discussions were taking place by way of which posts were having high comment count and come in, ask assistance, receive it, resolve the trouble and then join the talk and wind down from the agitation of the very trouble had brought it to us in the first place.  It was warm, personable, a great deal of fun and no restraints upon where the subject shifted inasmuch as there was no SPAM an no truly ugly behaviour such as coming in and starting a fight or other disruption.
   It would be a very great delight to have that here.  So, please, if you read this, make comments, ask questions, remark upon, if not the topic, then what it brought to your mind.  Ask a compleatly unrelated question, make responses in couplets or haiku.  I enjoy the discussions, welcome them and those who would enjoin them.
   I suppose it will helpful at this point to state me only language of literacy is English.  I've a few others in whole or parts in the spoken form but only English in which to write.  My command of Finnish is only in the written form and very limited to that which I am learning still in order to make full use of this site.  I also know one small word of invective  ( forgive me )  and that would be hitto, which I understand to be the same as  ( forgive me again )  merde for those of you have French, the polite version in this language would be excrement.  I rarely employ invective, I prefer to communciate such sentiment in colourful and generally acceptable ways.

   A post... the first I'd been able to make in a very long time now.  It is going to feel good when I click that button in a moment.....

keskiviikko, 27. kesäkuu 2012

I Am Nightbane

   I had another blog but the place self - destructed just recently.  A good friend, a Citizen of Finland, showed me this place.  It has the few things I need.
   Unfortunately, I do not read Finnish.  I will be having an adventure learning how to use the site but I have found the post editor and know how to make a post from it.
   Very happy I am to have been shown this place.  To the one showed it me, I thank you!!! :D